Aims & Core Values

Inspire and challenge each child to develop their full potential

We strive to create a safe and happy atmosphere in which to develop a child’s confidence to learn and succeed. We aim to make education challenging and exciting as well as fostering in each child an awareness of personal, social and environmental responsibility. We offer a high standard of learning based on the English National Curriculum. As we pursue educational excellence, we will inspire and challenge each child to develop to their full emotional, social, intellectual and physical potential.

Our Core Values


Children learn respect through being respected and cared for with great intelligence and understanding.


We give opportunities for all children to lead whether it is in a small group in their classroom, or in clubs, afternoon activities, sports teams, choir, drama and musical performances.


Given the wide-range of nationalities, languages, cultures, and faiths, we celebrate diversity and examine the strengths in our differences as a way to help children develop acceptance towards others different from themselves.


We believe in giving our children a sense of belonging that is foundational to their learning and love of school.


We value honesty and being trustworthy. We believe in the power of keeping one’s promises.

Personal Best

Students are encouraged to put forth their very best effort together with their best attitude on each assignment and activity.

Self Discipline

By teaching children effective planning and organisational strategies and creating an atmosphere of structure and order, children learn self-discipline.


We promote compassion as it is expressed in understanding, kindness and care for others.


We recognize and celebrate the variety of cultures, nationalities, and religions that are represented at our school. We believe diversity makes us stronger as a Phoenix Family.

Risk Taking

We inspire students to have the courage to take risks towards their own growth in a safe and encouraging atmosphere.