Administrative Staff & Governors

Administrative Staff

Behind the scenes and always ready to help.

Finance Manager


Committed volunteers shaping our school's future.

Honorary chair
Honorary vice chair
Honorary treasurer
Phoenix International Primary School is a non-profit organisation

The Phoenix School Association is registered under the Trustees Incorporation Act of Malawi and is run as a non-profit organisation, governed by a Board of Trustees. All fee-paying parents and guardians of children enrolled at Phoenix School become voting members of the Phoenix School Association.

A link to the Association’s Articles of Association and the Rules and Regulations can be found in the Policies section.

The Board of Trustees fulfils its functions by meeting at least once per term to discuss strategic and financial issues. In addition, each board member serves on one of three committees. The Policies and Governance Committee addresses issues relating to personnel, administration and school policies. The Finance Committee is involved with all matters relating to the school’s budgetary and financial position, whilst the Building and Maintenance Committee is responsible for assisting management in evaluating planned infrastructure and maintenance projects. These committees also meet at least once per term.

Trustees serve a three-year term and are elected by the members of the Phoenix School Association. The Head Teacher and the Deputy Head Teacher are ex-officio members. The Trustees may also appoint ex-officio members with particular skills in order to fulfil its obligation to facilitate the smooth running of the school.

An AGM of the Association is held in June of each year where audited accounts of the previous financial year and the provisional budget for the forthcoming financial year are presented.  At the AGM any vacancies that are open are filled through an election of the members present. Candidates’ profiles are circulated two weeks prior to the AGM. All parents, in good financial standing, are members of the association and eligible to vote.
Contact the Board of Trustees
The Board Chairperson,
c/o The Board Secretary

PO Box 30376